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I just heard that they are euthanizing wild horses (National Geographic,February 2009) and I thought what good farm animals they would be. Not just for hauling wood out of the forest whole, as should be done, maybe not by wild horses, they are great digesters, if people can find a way to allow them to work grasses into manure. Perhaps eventually we could cooperate enough to find more land that they could graze on, and fence half of it and grow the other half, alternatively. Hum, the best of both worlds. Permaculture has a lot to say about farming with animals. Manure is a valuable thing for crops. As for wild horses, send them to Canada alive! There is plenty of land. Sure horses take up a lot of energy if you keep them in a pen and have to feed them and run them. And they must be unhappy. Permaculture asks for more than one use or yield from all of us.



Wild Horse and Prisoner Redemption

Permaculture asks for more than one use or yield from all of us.

Permauclture and Horses

Akvo, the open source for water and sanitation.

Application of ecological sanitation and permaculture techniques: food
and water security for indigenous tribes and rural areas in Brazil.

Ecological Engineering

Ecological Sanitation Research

Pan African Conservation Education

Ecological Sanitation
© Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
All rights reserved
Published by
Department for Natural Resources and the Environment,
Sida, S-105 25 Stockholm, Sweden

Humanure Handbook teaches how to use nutrient rich waste as a resource. . .